>Everybody welcome<

    Code as you are.

Diversity as the key to success

The world in which we live and work is becoming increasingly diverse and international. Globalization brings together people of different backgrounds, cultures, age groups, gender identities, sexual orientations, beliefs and worldviews, as well as different physical and mental abilities. Not only accepting these differences, but celebrating, welcoming and recognizing them as a valuable asset is crucial for us at the TIMETOACT GROUP.

We believe that true diversity is created when differences are brought together under a common goal. Everyone is welcome at the TIMETOACT GROUP! 

For this reason, we signed the Diversity Charter in 2023 and promoted the establishment of a Diversity Board. Since then, the GROUP-wide Diversity Board has been identifying ideas and measures, supporting activities and acting as a central point of contact for all employees.

Women in Tech

Women are still underrepresented in the IT sector. We want to change this and have therefore created a GROUP-wide women's network.